Way of the Hunter (Passive)
Yone deals magic damage with every second Attack. In addition, his critical strike chance is increased.
Key Insights
- Yone's Crit chance is increased by 150%, but they only deal 90% damage.
- W's shield is increased by 50% for each champion hit after the first.
- QandW's cooldowns and cast times are reduced based on how much attack speed Yone has.
- E's automatic recast can be delayed by cast time and hard CC.
- Yone blinks behind the last enemy champion struck byR. If no enemy champions are hit, Yone blinks the maximum distance.
- Excels at extended trades and teamfights.
- Elets Yone play as aggressively as he wants with less risk.
- A well-positionedRcan singlehandedly win a teamfight, especially ifEis used first.
- Excels with items that enhance his critical strike chance, attack speed, and armor penetration.
- Struggles against champions who outrange him.
- Missing the intended target withQorRcan potentially get him killed.
- Yone is guaranteed to dash back to his body at the end ofE, letting enemies prepare around it and punish him.