Bravado (Passive)
Spellcasts empower Taric's next 2 basic attacks to deal bonus magic damage, reduce his spell cooldowns, and attack in quick succession.
Key Insights
- EachPauto reduces his basic abilities' cooldowns by 1 second and grant 1 charge ofQ.
- Wreplicates Taric's other abilities, but the effects don't stack.
- Wgrants its bonus armor to the targeted teammate.
- Naturally counters diving champions and scales directly with how much Armor he has.
- Has a strong level 1-3 withP's auto attacks.
- Excels at teamfights and turret dives withR.
- Excels with items that enhance his tankiness, healing, and team support capabilities.
- Completely immobile, leaving him vulnerable to ganks.
- Q's mana cost is high and doesn't heal much at low charges.
- Eis hard to hit due to its short range and channel. Once used, he loses a lot of pressure; especially in lane.
- Rhas a very long cooldown of 180 seconds at rank 1. Once used, he can be punished.