Dragon Practice (Passive)
Hitting champions with Abilities and killing enemies with Super Scorcher Breath grants a stack of Dragon Practice. Stacks increase the damage of Smolders basic Abilities.
Key Insights
- Smolder gainsPstacks by hitting champions with abilities or killing enemies with hisQ, enhancing the damage of his basic abilities. This mechanic encourages aggressive play to stack up damage boosts.
- QEvolves with stack accumulation, starting with area damage around the target, advancing to send out explosions, and ultimately dealing true damage over time with an execute effect on low-health enemies. This ability is central to his kit, offering both wave clear and significant dueling potential.
- WIs a damaging and slowing ability that creates an explosion when hitting enemy champions, useful for both peeling and engaging.
- EProvides mobility by allowing Smolder to fly, ignoring terrain and targeting the lowest health enemy, which is key for positioning in fights or escaping.
- RCalls down a wave of fire from his mother, dealing damage and slowing enemies, with a healing component for Smolder if he's hit. This ultimate can be a game-changer in team fights, offering both offensive and defensive utility.
- Smolder's power spike is heavily tied to accumulatingPstacks to enhance hisQ. Achieving these stack milestones drastically increases his combat effectiveness.
- HisR, combined with a fully evolvedQ, makes him exceptionally strong in clustered team fights where he can apply AoE damage and benefit from the healing if caught in his mother's fire.
- Excelling in short to mid-range combat, Smolder becomes a significant threat once he has items that synergize with his abilities, boosting his damage output, survivability, or both.
- His early game is weaker due to the necessity of buildingPstacks to enhance his abilities. Without sufficient stacks, his damage output is significantly reduced.
- As a short-ranged marksman, Smolder can be vulnerable to long-range poke and hard engage if not positioned carefully.
- While hisRis powerful, its effectiveness is contingent on proper timing and positioning. Misuse or avoidance by enemies can greatly diminish his impact in skirmishes or team fights.