Runic Blade (Passive)
Riven's abilities charge her blade, and her basic attacks expend charges to deal an additional damage.
Key Insights
- Q's third cast can travel over walls.
- EachQresets Riven's auto attack.
- When Riven usesE, she can cast other spells and combo them, ignoring their animations.
- ActivatingRgrants 20% bonus AD and 75 increased attack range andQrange.
- Can animation cancelQ's with autos to speed up her damage output and increase it withP.
- Has a strong level 2/3 withQandWfor extended trades. At level 6, she can 100-0 withR's execution damage.
- A well-positioned thirdQandR's Wind Slash can singlehandedly win a teamfight.
- Excels with items that enhance her damage output, durability, and cooldown reduction.
- Due to her aggressive playstyle, it can leave her exposed to being ganked and/or flanked.
- Extremely high skill champion that requires a lot of well-timed ability casts, animation cancels, and outplays to perform well. One misplay can severely cost her.
- Struggles against most crowd control.