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Lee Sin Guide

Learn Lee Sin with our Lee Sin guide. Learn about Lee Sin's strengths and Lee Sin's weaknesses, and harness key insights to optimize your playstyle. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to Lee Sin, our guide provides the tools you need to dominate the battlefield.
Key Insights
  • Lee Sin
    grants True Sight of the struck enemy.
  • Lee Sin
    's second cast deals up to 100% increased damage based on the enemy's missing HP.
  • Lee Sin
    's cooldown is halved when used on himself or a teammate.
  • Lee Sin
    can be combo'd with Flash,
    Stealth Ward
    Control Ward
    Lee Sin
    , or
    Lee Sin
    'ing another enemy behind his main target to kick them another direction (aka "Insec").
  • Excels at ganks and skirmishes.
  • Has a strong early game and has the option to play aggressively and invade the enemy jungler.
  • His ganking and teamfighting becomes much stronger after unlocking
    Lee Sin
  • Lee Sin
    doubles as a peeling tool.
  • Best with items that enhance his mobility, dueling power, and survivability.
  • Quickly burns through energy if he doesn't auto between abilities.
  • Needs a lead to stay ahead, and falls off if he doesn't get one.
  • Needs
    Control Ward
    's in his inventory at all times to be more effective with
    Lee Sin
    , meaning he cannot complete a 6th item without limiting himself.