Jayce Lethality Runes
Core Jayce Item Build Order
Core Jayce Item Build Path
Summoner Spells
Champion | Game Win Rate | Lane Win Rate | Matchup Rate | Matches |
Yorick | 44.8% | 34.6% | 2.1% | 1,054 |
Irelia | 46.1% | 36.0% | 3.0% | 1,537 |
Malphite | 44.6% | 37.2% | 6.2% | 3,185 |
Tryndamere | 45.7% | 38.4% | 1.6% | 838 |
Illaoi | 47.5% | 38.8% | 1.7% | 846 |
Win Rate
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
Key Insights
- While in Hammer Stance, Jayce gains bonus Armor and MR.
- If Cannon Stance'sQpasses through Cannon Stance'sE, it travels faster and its AoE, damage, and range increase by 40%.
- Cannon Stance'sWresets Jayce's auto attack.
- Cannon Stance'sW's bonus attack speed persists through Stance changes.
- WhenRis cast, Jayce's next auto attack is empowered. Cannon Stance's auto reduces Armor and MR, while Hammer Stance's auto deals bonus damage.
- Excels at poking and splitpushing.
- Very strong laner, and is considered to be a lane bully.
- Hammer Stance'sQdoubles as an escape tool if there are other units to target.
- Best with items that boost his attack damage, maneuverability, and ability to engage or disengage.
- Due to his aggressive playstyle, it can leave him exposed to being ganked and/or flanked.
- Needs a lead to stay ahead, and falls off if he doesn't get one.
- Once Hammer Stance'sQis used, Jayce has no way out of a fight.