Jax Bruiser Runes
Core Jax Item Build Order
Core Jax Item Build Path
Summoner Spells
Key Insights
- Qcan also be used on allied minions, teammates, and wards.
- Wresets Jax's auto attack.
- Edeals 20% increased damage for each attack dodged, up to 100%.
- Jax also gains bonus resistances for each enemy champion hit byR.
- Takes down turrets very quickly.
- Has incredible scaling and can out-duel most enemies in a side lane, especially whileRis active.
- UsingE/Rwhile mid-air duringQalmost guarantees them hitting the desired target.
- Excels with items that enhance his dueling power, split-pushing capabilities, and survivability.
- Very reliant on gold and levels.
- Ehas a cooldown of 14 seconds at rank 1. Once used, he can be punished.
- IfRmisses, Jax doesn't gain any bonuses.