Concussive Blows (Passive)
Braum's basic attacks apply Concussive Blows. Once the first stack is applied, ally basic attacks also stack Concussive Blows.
Upon reaching 4 stacks, the target is stunned and takes magic damage. For the next few seconds they cannot receive new stacks, but take bonus magic damage from Braum's attacks.
Key Insights
- WhenPis applied, any teammate's auto attack can proc the stun.
- Pcan affect any number of units at once.
- When cast on allies,Wwill always put Braum in front of them.
- Eonly ignores the first projectile's damage; others deal reduced damage.
- Braum is still affected by the projectile's CC when he blocks it withE.
- PandQmake Braum one of the strongest level 1 champions and allow his team to win early invades.
- Excels at teamfighting and frontlining withE.
- Can deny the enemy's engage tools withE.
- His gank assist and teamfighting become become much stronger after unlockingR.
- Thrives with items that enhance his defensive capabilities and team support utility.
- Scales poorly with gold compared to other supports.
- Ehas a longer cooldown of 18 seconds at rank 1. Once used, he can be punished.
- Only one enemy can be knocked up byRfor the max duration; others are only knocked up for 0.3 seconds.
- Rcan be underwhelming in many situations.