Mana Barrier (Passive)
Blitzcrank gains a shield based on their mana when dropping to low health.
Key Insights
- Qcannot pass through units; it'll pull the first one hit.
- AfterWends, Blitzcrank is slowed for 1.5 seconds.
- Ealso appliesW's bonus damage andR's marks.
- Eresets Blitzcrank's auto attack.
- Rdestroys shields before applying its damage on cast.
- Is a major threat at any point in the game whenQis available.
- WhenQlands and Blitzcrank usesRbeforeE, the enemy cannot avoid the CC chain.
- Has greater fighting power whileWis active, especially whileRis available due to its passive.
- Excels with items that enhance his utility, tankiness, and crowd control capabilities.
- Qis more threatening when it's available. Once used, Blitzcrank is much less effective.
- Pulling the "wrong" enemy withQcan spell disaster for his team.
- If Blitzcrank can't get away usingW, they're likely dead.