Never enter a League match with the wrong build
Auto-Import Runes & Item Builds
Gain the edge to dominate your competition with auto-imported top-tier runes, summoner spells, and item builds.
Post Match Performance Evaluation
Improve your skills with our post-match evaluation feature that identifies strengths and weaknesses in key areas of gameplay.
In-Game Performance Overlay
Level up your gameplay with our in-game overlay that displays real-time stat goals and tracks your progress.
Exlusive BattlesDaily tournaments with big prize pools!
Multiple ProfilesConnect as many profiles as you want.
Fully CompliantWe work with Riot Games to ensure you’re safe.
Growing Game LibraryBlitz is supporting more games each month.
MultilingualWe support more than 15 languages around the world.
Frequently Asked Questions
Still feel like you need to know more? We’ve got you covered.Is Blitz free to use?
Blitz is entirely free to download and use. We also offer a Premium subscription if you’d prefer to not see ads, as well as access extra features. Check out our Premium page for more details.Will I get banned for using Blitz?
No, using Blitz will not result in your game account being banned. Blitz works closely with Riot Games to ensure our app is fully compliant.Is Blitz safe to install on my computer?
Yes, Blitz is safe to install on your computer. Our team prioritizes the security and privacy of our users. We adhere to industry standards to ensure a secure and reliable experience.Is Blitz available in multiple languages?
We fully support 17 languages! These include English, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, Polski, Русский, Türkçe, Čeština, Ελληνικά, 한국어日本語, Tiếng Việt, 简体中文, 繁體中文