Yorick Lethality Runes
Core Yorick Item Build Order
Core Yorick Item Build Path
Summoner Spells
Champion | Game Win Rate | Lane Win Rate | Matchup Rate | Matches |
Renekton | 50.3% | 39.3% | 3.4% | 1,820 |
Irelia | 49.6% | 40.3% | 2.7% | 1,430 |
Mordekaiser | 51.4% | 41.0% | 4.6% | 2,444 |
Tryndamere | 50.2% | 41.3% | 2.3% | 1,214 |
Yasuo | 50.1% | 45.6% | 0.8% | 447 |
Win Rate
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
Key Insights
- Mist Walkers instantly die to autos and single-target abilities, but take 50% damage from AoE abilities.
- Qresets Yorick's auto attack.
- Yorick and his pets gain 20% bonus movespeed to enemies marked byE, and Mist Walkers also deal 40% increased damage for 8 attacks.
- Rmarks her non-structure targets, causing Yorick's next auto to deal bonus % max HP damage to them. This can be reapplied every 2 seconds.
- Excels at extended trades and splitpushing.
- Wis especially effective against champions who don't auto attack much.
- Has incredible scaling and can out-duel most enemies in a side lane whileRis up.
- Excels with items that enhance his split-pushing capabilities, durability, and ability to control engagements.
- Can be kited very easily by mobile champions or ones who outrange him.
- Completely immobile, leaving him vulnerable to ganks.
- Struggles against most crowd control.
- Relies too much onRto be effective.