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Key Insights
- Wprioritizes enemies hit by Urgot's other abilities.
- Urgot loses 125 base movespeed and gains 40% slow resist whileWis firing.
- At max rank,Wlasts indefinitely, becomes a toggled ability, and has no mana cost.
- Ecan be timed to ignore a displacement ability.
- Has a strong level 2/3 withW,P, andE. At level 6, he can 100-0 withR.
- Can find picks that get away withR's high range.
- A well-positionedRexecution's Fear can singlehandedly win teamfights.
- Excels with items that boost his tankiness and damage output, making him a formidable juggernaut.
- Struggles against champions who outrange him.
- OnceEis used, Urgot has no way out of a fight.
- R's execution can be cancelled withor if Urgot dies.
- If he can't executeR's target, his strength diminishes.