Key Insights
- Wcan be timed to ignore a displacement ability.
- W's cooldown resets on Takedowns and when detonatingEat max stacks.
- When used on turrets,E's explosion radius is doubled.
- Rcan be used duringWto push enemies into her team.
- Has the potential to "pop off" in teamfights withW's reset mechanic.
- Has a very strong level 2/3 withWandE.
- Her gank assist and teamfighting become much stronger after unlockingR.
- Excels with items that boost her attack damage, critical strike chance, and attack speed.
- If she can't resetWafter going in, she's probably dead.
- Ewill naturally push the wave, leaving her wave in bad spots.
- When pushed under turret,Emakes it harder to CS.