Sivir Crit Runes
Core Sivir Item Build Order
Core Sivir Item Build Path
Summoner Spells
Champion | Game Win Rate | Lane Win Rate | Matchup Rate | Matches |
Draven | 48.1% | 31.7% | 2.8% | 1,672 |
Nilah | 49.2% | 37.9% | 0.8% | 480 |
Kalista | 53.7% | 38.7% | 0.8% | 512 |
Miss Fortune | 49.9% | 42.2% | 8.8% | 5,324 |
Lucian | 50.1% | 42.4% | 3.9% | 2,363 |
Win Rate
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
Key Insights
- Q's damage is reduced by 15% per unit hit, down to 40%. This damage modifier resets when the crossblade reaches max range.
- Wresets Sivir's auto attack.
- W's attacks can bounce back to targets once.
- Takedowns refreshR's duration, and auto attacks while it's active lower Sivir's basic ability cooldowns by 0.5 seconds.
- Has a strong level 2/3 if both instances ofQhit and she resets her auto withW.
- Has some of the best waveclear in the game withQ/W.
- Rdoubles as an escape tool.
- Excels with items that boost her attack damage, critical strike chance, and wave clear.
- The returning half ofQis easy to dodge since Sivir offers no crowd control.
- Ehas a longer cooldown of 24 seconds at rank 1. Once used, she can be punished.
- Forcing Sivir to useRdefensively takes away a good chunk of her team's engage.
- Less effective in teamfights whileRis on cooldown.