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Key Insights
- P's bonuses are also given to a nearby teammate with the highest attack speed.
- Qheal is increased by 50% when Nunu & Willump's HP is lower than 50%.
- Wramps in movespeed based on his starting movespeed. The higher starting movespeed, the faster it travels.
- Wcleanses all slows on cast.
- R's shield is immediately granted on cast.
- Excels at ganks with his CC tools.
- Can contest and secure objectives very well withQ's massive true damage.
- Can survive and turn fights withQ/R.
- Excels with items that enhance their tankiness, crowd control, and objective control.
- Can be kited very easily by mobile champions or ones who outrange him.
- WandEhave cooldowns of 14 seconds at all ranks. Once used, Nunu & Willump's strength diminishes in fights.
- OnceWis used, Nunu & Willump have no way out of a fight.