Key Insights
- IfQhits terrain, it refunds 50% of its cooldown and mana cost and drags him the full distance.
- Wresets Nautilus's auto attack.
- Ecan hit the same target again (and again) for half damage.
- Ralso hits enemies along the way, but take reduced damage.
- Has great gank setup withPandQ.
- Is a major threat at any point in the game whenRis available.
- Can force teamfights by simply usingR.
- Excels with items that boost his tankiness, engage potential, and team utility.
- Significantly harder to play from behind.
- IfQlands and he can't immediately walk away after usingP, he's probably dead.
- Rhas a longer cooldown of 120 seconds at level 1. Once used, he is less effective.