Key Insights
- Q's bonus movespeed stacks up to 4 times and keeps refreshing at max stacks.
- Qdeals bonus true damage in the outer edge andWdeals triple damage in the center.
- Ereveals struck enemies.
- Raffects all enemy champions affected byP, regardless of distance.
- The moreQstacks she has, the harder she is to catch or deal with.
- Can fake a gank in one lane by throwingEthere while she ganks another.
- Can set up teamfights with a multi-targetQorEintoRto win them.
- Excels with items that boost her ability power, mobility, and survivability.
- Very squishy and struggles against most crowd control.
- Significantly harder to play from behind.
- Needs to constantly put herself at risk to keep refreshingQ's bonus movespeed.
- W's center damage is difficult to land when enemies aren't CC'd.
- Rhas a longer cooldown of 150 seconds at rank 1. Once used, her strength diminishes in fights.