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Key Insights
- Qinterrupts channeling abilities.
- Wresets Kassadin's auto attack.
- When used on a champion,Wrestores quintuple the mana.
- Spells cast near Kassadin reduceE's cooldown by 0.75 second each.
- One of the strongest scaling champions in the game.
- Naturally counters AP champions withPandQ.
- Becomes a very safe champion when he unlocksR.
- Excels with items that enhance his magic damage, mana sustain, and mobility.
- Completely immobile from levels 1-5, leaving him vulnerable to ganks and being put behind.
- Has a weaker early game, specifically untilRreaches rank 2.
- Very reliant on gold and levels.
- R's mana cost reaches up to 640 mana, making it hard to constantly use for chasing and escaping.