Key Insights
- BothQandEpartially reset your auto attack, and fully reset it while inR's All Out.
- While chargingW, K'Sante is Unstoppable and takes reduced damage.
- While inR's All Out,Qno longer slows but has a reduced cooldown,W's cooldown is refreshed and is empowered, andE's range is increased and can traverse walls.
- When All Out ends, the HP lost fromR's effect is not restored.
- Excels at extended fights, including 1v1's, while in All Out.
- While squishier during All Out, K'Sante gains significantly increased strength.
- UsingWbeforeRallows it to resetWto use it again for any purpose.
- Rcan turn fights where K'Sante is outnumbered into 1v1's, but can also be used to take a valuable enemy out of a teamfight.
- Thrives with items that enhance his tankiness, engage potential, and extended fight capabilities.
- Very reliant on gold and levels.
- Struggles greatly against enemies he can't reach.
- WithoutR, K'Sante's is much weaker in fights.