Camille Bruiser Runes
Core Camille Item Build Order
Core Camille Item Build Path
Summoner Spells
Champion | Game Win Rate | Lane Win Rate | Matchup Rate | Matches |
Volibear | 53.8% | 15.4% | 2.9% | 13 |
Sion | 33.3% | 16.7% | 1.4% | 6 |
Riven | 55.6% | 22.2% | 2.0% | 9 |
Mordekaiser | 18.8% | 25.0% | 3.6% | 16 |
Wukong | 37.5% | 25.0% | 1.8% | 8 |
Win Rate
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
Key Insights
- BothQ's reset Camille's auto attack.
- W's outer half of the cone deals bonus damage and slows. If the enemy is a champion, Camille heals for that damage.
- E's Wall Dive range is doubled towards enemy champions.
- Camille is untargetable duringR's cast.
- Rends within 1 second if Camille leaves the area or dies.
- Has incredible scaling and can out-duel most enemies in a side lane.
- Can animation cancelQ's with other abilities to speed up her damage output.
- Has a strong level 2/3 withQandEfor extended trades.
- Excels at setting up ganks and turret diving withEandR.
- Excels with items that enhance her dueling capabilities, survivability, and split-pushing efficiency.
- BaitingPout weakens her trading power, especially in lane.
- Missing the intended target withEcan potentially get her killed.
- OnceEis used, Camille has no way out of a fight.