Anivia AP Runes
Core Anivia Item Build Order
Core Anivia Item Build Path
Summoner Spells
Champion | Game Win Rate | Lane Win Rate | Matchup Rate | Matches |
Vel'Koz | 16.7% | 16.7% | 1.3% | 6 |
Malzahar | 54.5% | 27.3% | 2.3% | 11 |
Syndra | 42.1% | 31.6% | 4.0% | 19 |
Twisted Fate | 50.0% | 33.3% | 1.3% | 6 |
Katarina | 27.3% | 36.4% | 2.3% | 11 |
Win Rate
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
Key Insights
- Qdeals its damage and Chills enemies as it passes through them and when reactivated.
- Walso interrupts channeling abilities.
- Edeals double damage if the target has been recently hit byQor damaged by a fully formedR.
- Rdeals an extra tick of damage when Anivia recasts it.
- Has a strong level 2/3 withQandEfor short trades.
- First spikes at level 6 withR, greatly increasing her lane presence.
- Can stall out games withR's waveclear.
- Can zone enemies off areas or trap them withW/R, forcing them to take damage or use escape tools.
- Excels with items that boost her magic damage, mana sustain, and survivability.
- Completely immobile, leaving her vulnerable to ganks.
- Has a weaker early game, and most champions can push her into her turret.
- Relies far too much on mana.
- WhenPprocs, Anivia's Armor and MR are reduced for the duration through levels 1-11.