Astra Lineup
  • Simple B Main Gravity Well Post Plant

    Here's a simple, but effective B Site Gravity Well post plant setup that can be played from B Main.

  • Simple A Site Post Plant Gravity Well

    Here's a simple, but effective post plant Gravity well Setup for A Site that you can use when playing from almost anywhere on A that has vision of A Site. Just be aware of utility that can be used to block your vision or create windows of opportunity for the enemy team to defuse the Spike.

  • Standard A Site Execute Nebula Placements

    Here are the default smokes for an A Site execute. Follow how the smokes are placed on screen to best limit the Defender's options.

  • B Split Star Placements Through Mid

    Place your stars like this when doing a B Split.

  • Standard B Site Execute Nebula Placements

    Here are the default smokes for a B Site execute. Follow how the smokes are placed on screen to best limit the Defender's options.
