Omen Lineup
  • Front U-Hall Default Smoke

    Here's a simple, but effective way to successfully pressure Defenders at Short. This smoke provides lurk pressure, and will usually require them to put more resources to counteract the smoke. Some rounds, you won't need to do anything but just throw the smoke and let Defenders worry about it naturally.

  • Default Front Hookah Smoke

    Use this smoke when defaulting towards the B side of the map, as you will be able to assist your teammates taking Long control if there are Defenders playing there. Essentially, you will have an easier time taking Hookah control, and have some utility to flash the site or Garden.

  • B Hookah Push Support Paranoia

    Use this Paranoia to support your team as they push into Hookah.

  • Standard B Site Dark Covers

    Use these standard smokes when pushing into B Site.

  • A Site Standard Smoke Variations

    Use these smokes to execute onto A Site.
