Fade Lineup
  • Close B Site + Market Execute Haunt

    Throw this Haunt to scan Defenders playing close to B Main and Market. This is great to pressure any Market player successfully, or set up for a B Split.

  • Tiles Haunt to Close Mid + Cat

    Here's a great, default Haunt you can throw at the start of the round to scan aggressive Defenders at Cat and Mid.

  • A Main to A Switch Seize Execute

    Prevent Defenders from disrupting your A Site execute with this seize, as it stops them from retaking through the smoked door.

  • A Main to Top A Site Execute Haunt

    Use this simple, but effective Haunt line up to scan Defenders playing on the A Site. It will also scan a little bit of Tree, so you can prepare yourself to spam through the door smoke.

  • A Switch Haunt For A Site And Tree

    Split the A Site with this powerful Haunt line up, as it will scan Defenders playing in Tree and close site.

  • B Site Execute Haunt from B Lobby

    Here's a great execute Haunt for B Site, that scans several commonly held angles and areas on Site.

  • Full Utility B Site Execute

    Here's a great way to use each piece of your utility, other than your ultimate ability, to create opportunities for your teammates as they push into the Site.
