Spawn Locations

Quickly fires a burst of highly pressurized air.

Hurls a ball of fire straight at an enemy.

Creates ice lances in the air that fly towards enemies.

Shoots fireballs towards an enemy. The fireballs explode after a short distance, generating smaller fireballs that spread forward.

Creates a crescent blade of ice and hurls it forward.

Shoots flames at an enemy, dealing continuous damage.

Enshrouds an enemy in a frigid blast of air, dealing continuous damage.

Creates a giant ball of darkness and hurls it at an enemy.

Creates a giant lump of ice and hurls it at an enemy. It deals damage to those in the surrounding area upon impact.

Creates a giant ball of flame and hurls it at an enemy. The ball explodes over a wide area upon impact.

Charges dark energy before blasting enemies with a powerful beam.
Paldeck Entry
The melodies of a flute made from the exoskeleton of a Vanwyrm are said to cross whole mountain ranges. In ages past, such flutes were used to signal an attack.