Spawn Locations

Hurls poison sludge at an enemy.

Hurls a ball of fire straight at an enemy.

Unleashes a sphere of darkness that slowly tracks down an enemy.

Hurls poison sludge at an enemy.

Shoots fireballs towards an enemy. The fireballs explode after a short distance, generating smaller fireballs that spread forward.

Quickly discharges dark energy, damaging those around it.

Shoots flames at an enemy, dealing continuous damage.

Fires three balls of malice that relentlessly pursue an enemy.

Creates a giant ball of darkness and hurls it at an enemy.

Generates two flaming tornadoes on either side before launching them at an enemy.

Energizes the surrounding ground, causing it to explode after a set amount of time.

Shoots flames at an enemy, dealing continuous damage.

Creates a giant ball of flame and hurls it at an enemy. The ball explodes over a wide area upon impact.

Charges dark energy before blasting enemies with a powerful beam.
Paldeck Entry
A Pal that always takes great care to maintain a stylish stance. Always on the hunt for the coolest poses, if given a mirror it will spend all day posing in front of it.