Spawn Locations

Roly PolyLvl 1
Lamball's special skill. Curls into a ball, rolling after any enemies in its way. Becomes dizzy and unable to move after the attack ends.

Air CannonLvl 7
Quickly fires a burst of highly pressurized air.

Power ShotLvl 15
Charges energy into a focused blast.

ImplodeLvl 22
Risks its life to cause a violent explosion. Becomes incapacitated afterwards.

Electric BallLvl 30
Fires an electric ball that slowly pursues an enemy.

Power BombLvl 40
Charges a massive amount of energy before firing a large destructive ball.

Pal BlastLvl 50
Charges destructive energy before firing a high-powered beam forward across a wide area.
Paldeck Entry
A walk up a hill tends to end with this Pal tumbling back down. This causes it to become dizzy and unable to move, making it easy to capture and kill. As a result, this Pal has tumbled down to the very bottom of the food chain itself.