Spawn Locations

Ignis BlastLvl 1
Hurls a ball of fire straight at an enemy.

Dragon CannonLvl 7
Hurls an energy ball imbued with draconic energy at an enemy.

Spirit FireLvl 15
Shoots fireballs towards an enemy. The fireballs explode after a short distance, generating smaller fireballs that spread forward.

Flare ArrowLvl 22
Fires three flaming arrows in succession that home in on an enemy.

Dragon BurstLvl 30
Quickly discharges draconic energy, damaging those around it.

Ignis BreathLvl 40
Shoots flames at an enemy, dealing continuous damage.

Fire BallLvl 50
Creates a giant ball of flame and hurls it at an enemy. The ball explodes over a wide area upon impact.
Paldeck Entry
Their personalities change depending on the temperature of the water where they were born. Kelpsea born in warm waters generally have a passionate, motivated personality.