Spawn Locations

Punch FlurryLvl 1
Cattiva's special skill. Pursues enemies, repeatedly punching them with both its fists.

Air CannonLvl 7
Quickly fires a burst of highly pressurized air.

Sand BlastLvl 15
Hurls sticky mud at an enemy.

Power ShotLvl 22
Charges energy into a focused blast.

Wind CutterLvl 30
Fires a high speed blade of wind that flies straight at an enemy.

Seed Machine GunLvl 40
Fires a volley of hard seeds at enemies in front of it.

Pal BlastLvl 50
Charges destructive energy before firing a high-powered beam forward across a wide area.
Paldeck Entry
At a glance it appears full of confidence, but it is in fact weak and cowardly. Being toyed with by a Cattiva is in many ways the greatest of disgraces.