Key Insights
- Q's heal increases based on how much Fury Tryndamere has on cast.
- Qgrants additional bonus AD the lower his HP gets.
- Walso slows enemies who have their backs turned to him.
- Critical strikes reduceE's cooldown by 0.75 seconds, increased to 1.5 seconds against champions.
- Rcan be used even when affected by CC.
- Excels at extended trades withR's survivability.
- Has a strong level 2/3 withEandP's Crit chance.
- Excels with items that boost his critical strike chance, attack speed, and sustain.
- Significantly harder to play from behind.
- Enemies can counterWby simply looking at Tryndamere when he casts it.
- IfRends and the fight isn't over, he's probably dead.