Key Insights
- Master Yi is untargetable duringQ's cast.
- Qapplies on-hit effects.
- W's damage reduction is increased to 90% for the first 0.5 seconds.
- Wresets Master Yi's auto attack.
- R's passive reduces Master Yi's basic ability current cooldowns by 70% and extendsR's duration by 7 seconds per Takedown.
- Has incredible scaling.
- Excels in extended trades and skirmishes withP/E.
- His ganking and teamfighting become much stronger after unlockingR.
- Cleans up fights withQ's protection andR.
- Excels with items that enhance his attack speed, on-hit effects, and life steal.
- Has a weaker early game and is very reliant on gold and levels.
- Has trouble entering teamfights.
- Struggles against most crowd control.